Finally Revealed...
Here's The Big Damn Secret To Building Consistency and Reliable 5 Figure Campaigns, Winning Affiliate Competitions, And Create Best Selling Programs...
All In Just An Hour a Day
Dear Friend,
DP here and I'm not gonna bore you with a long sales letter beggin' and pleadin' with you to pick this up.
Instead, I'm going to simply lay out what I got...
I figure by now after reading all of the emails leading up to this, you know if it's a fit for you or not.
When I began this digital marketing gig, I had no desire to sell my own products.
That is until people kept naggin'
"When you going to teach us?"
I ultimately caved

...which lead to one of my biggest discoveries...
Having the Ability to Push SEND And See Immediate Money
We're talking anywhere from a few hundred dollars per day to thousands of dollars per day for simple promotions.
But let me get one thing absolutely clear
...it wasn't from having leads.
It was from the fact that most of my list had one thing in common.
They Were All Buyers!
See I'd tried building list before.
Where you offer a cheat sheet, pdf, or video series.
And what I ended up with was a bunch of freebie seekers.
Tire kickers that would get mad when you stopped offering "FREE"
It's like a teenager when they feel they're "owed something".
Start kickin' 'n screamin'
This time it was WAY different.
All because these were BUYERS!
You'll keep hearing me say that throughout this letter because I want to engrain that into your subconscious.
This one tactic alone sent my affiliate promotions through the roof, allowed me to sell more of my own stuff - coaching and software products.
Now, with AI it's even easier.
And I figure it's now your turn.
Which is why I'm putting it all together in a brand new class that I want to invite you to next week called the Buyers List Blueprint...
All to help you craft and create offers to build your very own list of buyers

Before we dive into "what this is" I want to give you fair warning.
There's some immediate side effect to all of this.
More sex.
More walks in the park.
And what I call...
The Refreshing Addiction
You gotta avoid it as much as you possibly can.
It's worse than any Ciggy or Soda Pop addiction.
And it's 100% real.
It's the process of logging into your affiliate accounts or your inbox to hit the refresh to see how much money you've made from your promotion.
Seeing Cha-Ching messages come through like this.

This was all from selling my own product and not taking into consideration the affiliate offers I'm promoting to different segments plus my SEO affiliate offers.
The cool part?
The email I crafted took about an hour to whip up that morning.
But there's no sales-voodoo, email magic, or anything like that.
It's all because these were a list of...
Nothing But BUYERS!
People that are serious about upping their game, building their business, and scaling their income.
Even with a tiny list of buyers
...that have bought nothing more than a $5- $10 product.
In addition, these products are a breeze to crank out and most can be done in a single afternoon.
And even easier with the addition of A.I.
That's the reason I want to arm you with my system I'll reveal during this live class.
Here's the Deets
First things first, this a brand new 1 day workshop I'll be hosting next week on Thursday.
In the event you're not able to attend, I'll have all the recordings all plugged inside a members area for you to watch as many times as you'd like.
Goin' at your own pace.
If you're here, you know I deliver the goods because chances are good that you've bought something from me before
See I'm practicing what I preach here
The goal here is to help you craft your very first offer so you can build your own list of buyers.
You'll have in your hands the very framework we use to build a buyer's list so you can create consistency and reliability inside your business.
The investment in these similar classes in the past is typically in the ball park of $197-$497 range.
If you think about it.
Just one affiliate campaign can more than 10x that investment which would make this an absolutely killer deal.
But because you're here, you're not going to pay $497.
Not even $297 or $197.
Instead, you can get inside to start creating your offers to build your own Buyers List for the chump change of just $27.
It's a helluva deal and will not be around for long.
You know what to do from here.
Click the Order button below and you'll be taken to the secure server and once your order is complete, you'll get access to register for the training class.
YES! I'm Ready To Join!
YES! I'm ready to stop the guesswork and instead build consistency inside my business by having the ability to a build buyers list.
Give me access to your 1 day workshop that will outline your Buyers List Blueprint so I can start dominating affiliate promotions and sell more stuff.
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