Fundamental Hack Gives You Superpowers for Selling!

(even for the Non-Seller Types)

From: Derek Pierce

Yesterday, I was talking about the 2006 radio ad I’d ran… 

Lots of guesses that were good but no one hit on what I was looking for. 

Here’s what made it fly… 

If no one was listening - nothing mattered. 

I could get the lowest-cheapest-ad around…  

I could possess a state of the art flying jetpack with the unstoppable-4-hour-erections 

Or be the smoothest sounding voice on there radio. 

Yet, if the audience wasn’t listening - it didn’t matter. 

I picked this tip up years ago from subscribing to mean ole’ Dan Kennedy’s newsletter and although sounds relatively simple. 

It’s made seismic shifts almost immediately just tapping into an audience willing to… 


It was not just the demographic but it was also the “intent”

Everywhere else was tuning in to jam to music and couldn’t wait for the commercials to end and wasn’t paying a damn bit of attention to the ads.

The ad I ran though?

They were there to listen to begin with which made all the difference in the world. 

Tapping into the source ready ’n willin’ to hear ya is way more important than how fancy your messaging is. 

Tomorrow, we’ll add something that seriously brings the trust factor. 

Derek Pierce 

2701 Mall Dr. PMB 236
Florence,AL 35630

*Earnings and income representations made by Derek Pierce, Shoals Marketing, and and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, “Shoals Marketing”) are aspirational statements only and should not be mistaken for any kind of guarantee. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.  

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