Screw the Hustle and Grind Guru Talk... Here's the 2024 Lazy Man's secret on...

"How We're Using These Simple AI Bots to Multiply And Automate Our Content into Hundreds Almost Effortlessly...All In A Single Afternoon!"

This brand new framework is all you need to win BIG even if you're a one man band or small operation against bigger companies... loaded with virtual assistants or large teams...

Now you too duplicate this framework for more traffic, leads, and sales in less time! Guaranteed!

From: Derek Pierce

Location: North of the Warrior River

First things first...

In order to pull this off you don't need this super elaborate staff...great management...or a huge team of Virtual Assistants... 

Nor do you need to be working 80 hours a week...

But pretty soon.

You'll be all over the web.... Every channel... 

And people will see your stuff every DAMN day! 

For months on end...

The best part?  You can set this up...

All in a single afternoon!

What you're about to discover is so groundbreaking because the fix revolves around letting these AI bots do all the heavy lifting...

Eliminates all the inconsistency in your marketing
Instantly starts getting you views and traffic...
Plus it adds even more power to your current SEO
And forces you to be seen on all the major channels for your "brand"

The best part?

It's all super simple to setup and schedule this all out for months on end. 

This past week I was counseling with a client that's in the local space... 

...providing SEO and marketing services for a specific niche... and when I laid out what I'm talking about here...

He blurted out... 

"Hey DP - This here is Gold!" 

We've got to start using this right away. 

Their plan was to use this to sell as a service because businesses would love to eliminate all the bull shit that comes with marketing. 

Most are overwhelmed...because they're not using this framework that I'm outlining here. 

Think about it for a second... 

We've all know we gotta be "omnipresent" right?

Where we show up on all these different platforms. 

That's where the eyeballs are at. 

We're talking Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tiktok and Facebook are the obvious. 

Gary V said it best...and I'm paraphrasing this here but it goes like this...

“You need to treat all of these digital platforms just a like a separate TV channel - imagine if I Love Lucy or Andy Griffith was able to broadcast on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox all at the same time”

But then you dive deep into each of these platforms and you'll see that each of these have their own setups, different time frames, dimensions... 

Their own versions of Shorts, Reels then to just regular videos. 

Now previously, for someone to get in and roll their sleeves up to make any traction with all of this was to have a large team or...

...hire one of those expensive, asshole ad agencies where nothing seems to ever get done except sending in reports! 

Or being glued to the damn computer and phone for 80 hours a week!

As you know, things have changed with AI and this is one of those that's a true gamechanger...

Yet there are only a few that really know how to put this into play... And those are the "insider SEO and marketing guys" like myself using it for our own gain or those that are offering this up as an expensive service. 

That is until now... 

In this training, I'm going to show you how to make your own...

Bot Sweatshop!

And look... I promise No Bots are gonna be hurt in the process. 

Also, you don't have to be this super techie kinda guy. 

I want to get this into your hands so you can completely change your business and life...

Getting more eyeballs from utilizing each of these platforms from stupidly simple videos that anyone can create. 

You could even let AI create the videos if you choose. 

Want an example? 

Take a look at this... 

You see the numbers highlighted by the red box?

Those are all views from Tiktok. 

Now... let me state something very, very clear. 

I don't login to TikTok...EVER. 

Instead... I have the bots doin' it all for me 24/7 if I choose. 

Take a look at this... 

These views were all hitting Facebook with Reels...

But here's the thing...

It was all using this simple multiplication method, where we're hitting all the major channels. 

It's something I like to the AI Video Blitz and I can't wait to get you on the inside of my...

The AI Video Blitz Masterclass

This makes the entire process of creating, automating, and being everywhere a breeze.

 And once you go through this training... you'll see...

This is super duper easy stuff.
You can have this system up and running in a single afternoon. 
And you can have all your content scheduled out for months without even logging into the specific platform...All while getting views, traffic, and leads. 

This is important... 

All because you can 'stay small 'n keep it all' using this simple frameworks that easily multiply your content and schedule it for months on end...

Without having to go through all the trouble of hiring an expensive team or virtual assistants... or heaven forbid trying to manage 'em.

Couple of things I need to get out of the way. 

For starters, you gotta be creating or planning to create a video. 

Now, you don't have to show your face, or use your voice, or even be the center of attention - you can create some of those faceless videos with AI for this... Doesn't matter.

Secondly, we're using a couple of services to pull this off that are very cheap... actually I couldn't believe how inexpensive they are. 

It's pennies for what you're getting here all because it takes all the grunt work out of the equation where you can...

Knock this out in a few minutes... Then let the bots schedule it all for ya.  

And...once this is all setup it will make it a walk in the park for you... 

You're gonna be blown away at just how easy this is and you're going to love the free time you're able to have just from implementing this system. 

Gives You Damn Near Instant Ranking Powers...

As you're well aware in the last several years, the search engines have often favored 'brands'.

...and the brands that are more active on the web get a boost

...and the brands that are getting traffic get an even bigger boost. 

Well, using this very technique, you're able to get attention and eyeballs from all these different channels...

Directing them back to your own offers and traffic to your site yet there's something almost magical that happens in the process...

This also builds up your "brand power" giving you more authority in the search results allowing you to rank higher, faster, and easier than ever before.  

I've tested this with my own "brand" as well as countless other properties and it's astounding how much this simple tweak will make... 

Plus...there's countless ways I use these to build safe links automatically that ultimately give my sites and even bigger punch. 

And the best part about all of this?

People will pay you big to do this for them. 

So if you're in the local space providing services... you're gonna be yelling out "DP this is GOLD!" just like the client I was counseling this past week. 

All because you've gotta lot of business owners shelling out a lot of dough for these videos yet they don't know what to do with 'em. 

Special Bonus...

Speaking of link-building...

Which I happen to be a fan of and often find these creative ways to acquire links...

That's one of the things that makes this training so special. 

I'll show you how to tap a source for links that most never even look at...

We're talking about Podcast. 

Yeah everyone knows about podcast - but podcasting for some extra powerful link juice?

That's different and that's one of the bonuses you're going to snag when you jump inside the AI Video Blitz Masterclass. 

It's called Podcasting Stacking and this is going to let you tap into a completely unique source for traffic but...

Also for links! 

This is good stuff that you're going to totally dig. 

Along with the following...

The Ultimate Vimeo for SEO Training:  This is another kick ass training that shows all the nifty little ways we're tapping Vimeo for get this...

Extra rankings... Plus an incredible source for links to boost our domain's overall authority! 

There's some secret settings inside Vimeo that most don't even know exist yet they pack more power into your SEO. 

Bottom line...this will work for you...

If you're into any of the following...

Local Service Providers for helping you get more clients
Local Service Providers looking to add an additional revenue stream from their existing clients
Faceless Websites and Faceless Youtube Creators
Reputation Management providers
Coaches, Consultants and Product Creators
Affiliate Marketers

Then you owe it to yourself...

You owe it to your clients...

To get this in your hands and start utilizing these systems you can duplicate this into your businesses in 2024.

DP You Had Me At Hello...

Now you're probably wondering how much... 

It's a damn near pittance of what I should be charging. 

Considering if you hired a team or even a single virtual assistant to do some of the grunt work every month - this could easily run thousands of dollars.

For months!  

Here's the deal though...

I recently shot this training through a series of training webinars and I wanna get this in your hands asap because it's life changing for those in the digital game. 

That's why today you're not going to pay anywhere close to what you'd expect.

Not $997. 

Not $697.

Not even $500... or $400...

Get in today for the measly investment of just $295. 

Or you can even split 'er up into 4 payments of just $79. 

That means you can get started for only $79 and today I'm backing this with a ridiculous 30 day money back guarantee... 

See most know they need to be doing everything I've said here on this page... hit each of the platforms and when they've done it in the past they have probably seen results... 

...yet it seems unsustainable and impossible to keep up - it's like there's not enough energy to go around and it will drive most marketers nuts. 

The fix is simple though...

Once you implement the AI Video Blitz you'll see more power in the search results...more consistency...and more traffic, leads and sales.

All In less time. 

You're gonna love it. 

YES! I'm Ready to Duplicate Your 2024 AI Video Blitz Method So I Can Finally Tap More Traffic, Leads, and Sales..

Thanks for letting me on the inside to this simple framework at the measly investment of just $295 or 4 payments of just $79... and for the incrediblely generous bonus package that comes with it.  That means you can get started today for only $79 bucks...
I understand I'll get instant access to the training and can go through this as many times as I like at my own pace.


Copyright © Derek Pierce and Shoals Marketing 

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