New Email Apocalypse Will Have Marketers Screaming...


While Swinging The Doors Open For Others "In The Know" With Daily Sales and Commissions!
...In Under An Hour A Day!

Watch the Video Below to See How to Get Your Hands on This Secret Formula For Free...

From: Derek Pierce

Unless you've been living under a rock, then you're well aware of all the noise from the latest update in the world of email.

Some are calling it the...

Email Apocalypse!

And rightfully so.

Here's why...

The rules for email marketers outside of having to now verify and authenticate your emails are pretty alarming. 

Out of 1000 emails sent, Gmail has said you need to keep less than 3 spam complaints!

Yahoo has now followed the same path, and before you know it...

This will now be the all new standard for email marketing.

What that means is simple.

Email 'churn 'n burn' is no longer a strategy.

Quality list of people that geniunily want to hear from you will trump quantity.

As a matter of fact, I've already seen this firsthand in my own business, which is why...

I Moved Away From Tire Kickin' Deadbeats

Most of the problems and issues have come from freebie-seekers.

You've seen it if you've ever tried building a list in any niche.

They opt in for the freebie.

Then bounce once they get it.

Or they drop in a fake email address.

Or they complain once you make a sales pitch.

What if we could change that?

See I noticed early on that most of the sales didn't come from the freebies I was dishing out.

Instead it was all the problems!

The people that were buyers...

They were cool.

They wanted more info.

They wanted to help their businesses grow.

Chances are good, that's why you're here reading this letter right now - you've done something.

You're pushing it.

You want to get better and reach your goals.

That's Why I'm Holding This Brand New Class And Bribing The HellOutta You To Join...

One of the most lucrative aspects of running a digital marketing business is email marketing.

Part of the reason is because it's so scaleable and take such little time.

Literally, I can bust out an email in an hour and see immediate money come through my account in minutes.

Those are all sales from dropping emails.

Plus, all of these email campaigns can be automated.

That means once you set it up once, it can live forever which is why I'm such a huge fan of all of this.

Allowing you to scale by putting your focus and emphasis on getting people into your world then letting the emails do all the heavy lifting.

But the reason I can do all of this solely revolves around how I've set it up.

And that's why I'm putting this together.

Here's what's up...

This Friday on February 16th, I'll be hosting a live workshop titled the Follow Up Formula.

The reason this is so damn important is because of all the new rules that's being pushed to the market by the email companies like Yahoo and Gmail.

This is not compliance mumbo jumbo or how to authenticate your emails.

Instead this is going to show you how to properly structure your follow up sequence to build sales but also more engaged list.

And this is the first thing your audience will see.

Plus, I believe this is so damn important that I'm going to bribe you to join me...

See, this is more than just a workshop.

Instead, you're going to be getting 3 bonuses to help you build a business using email.

These are the down 'n dirty, nitty gritty secrets that affiliate big-wigs and product creators are using to launch on leaderboard after leaderboard.

Once you join, you'll not only get access to attend the live Follow Up Formula live and get lifetime access to the recordings. 

You'll also get instant access to the following.

Bonus # 1 : Low Ticket Leverage (Value $997)

You'll gain instant access and once you go through the program you'll be able to...

Create digital products in 7 days or less without stressing or worry and wondering what to create.
Build a list of buyers using simple low ticket offers
See behind the scenes of how I built a list of 4,600 buyers in 10 days with 1 low ticket product.
Easily identify pain points in your market so you can craft offers that you know will sell before you launch.
Plus a whole lot more...

Bonus # 2 : Five Ten Email System (Value $1297)

This is some of my proudest work because if you already have an email list (even a small list) this system will allow you to create highly profitable campaigns in 10 days or less.

Create 5 Figure email campaigns in 10 days or less without having to be an expert copywriter... even if you suck at writing!
How to help your audience by introducing and identify potential pitfalls in their business.
Building the better mouse trap to create a rush of excitement having your audience worked up into a fever pitch
How to handle objections so they move you closer to the sale while also building a bond with your reader
Building FOMO (fear of missing out) with real urgency that gets people to take action.

Bonus # 3 : The Double Close (Value $197)

The double close is taking our FOMO methods to the next level. 

Inside, the Double Close, you'll see how we plan these out to milk the most from our sales campaigns. 

Who's this For?

This is for anyone that is looking to use email marketing as part of their marketing stack and will work for...

Local service providers looking to utilize email
Affiliate marketers
Coaches and consultants
Product Creators

Not only will email change.

These changes are opening up a massive opportunity.

Inside, you'll see how to capitalize on this unique situation and why it's now more important than ever.

You Had Me At Hello - Now How Much?

It's a fraction of what I should charge.

Let me explain what I'm doing here. 

One of the fundamentals is using the Follow Up to set the stage for building a highly responsive, quality list of people that are actually happy to see us.

This is all part of a bigger high ticket email program that I'll be launching later in the year for much more.

In other words, I've gotta get this done and this is me drawing a line in the sand to make myself do it.

That's why you're getting this at such a ridiculously generous deal.

You're getting 4 programs for the one time investment of the Follow Up Funnel.

So, instead of paying $997 or paying $1297 for my Five Ten Email System, you're able to get everything for the one time investment of just $299. 

You'll see there's a countdown timer on this page.

Once that hits zero, the special offer goes away and will NEVER be repeated at this special price. 

So, go ahead and jump in while you can.

You'll be glad you did 🙂 

YES! I Want to Reserve My Spot in the Upcoming Follow Up Formula Class and Take Advantage of your Super Bowl Bundle

I understand that once I reserve my spot, I'll be given access to attend the live workshop on Friday, February 16th and will get access to the recordings to watch at my own pace. 

In addition, as part of this special Super Bowl Bundle, I'll get instant access to the follow bonuses:

Free Bonus Gift # 1

Low Ticket Leverage

How to Build Your Own List of Buyers using simple low ticket offers
This is the big "secret" many high profile marketers are using to see daily cash flow
Having Buyers Even Low Ticket Buyers will bring you better responses, higher engagement and more sales and commissions
You don't need a massive list when you have a list of buyers and this will show you exactly how to structure your offer for maximum sales. 

Free Bonus Gift # 2

Five Ten Email Formula

Simple email system designed to pull 5 figure email campaigns inside of 10 days even with smaller list
This shows you the entire structure and design for a simple promotion that gets your audience's attention for the big reveal
This works even if you're Gawd-Awful at writing and failed Mrs Dixon's 10th grade English class

Free Bonus Gift # 3

The Double Close

How to Take Scarcity to the next level using the double close method
This will explode your sales because you'll have 2 close down periods in an ethical and cool way. 

© Copyright Derek Pierce