Accidental Discovery Leads To Super Fast Rankings

Yesterday, we went into some sales messaging regarding a common framing for folks selling products and services.

And at the end I mentioned a couple of things.

“So what if…

The idea that SEO took a long time was just an assumption fabricated by many…

What if there was a quicker way?”

That’s where we’re picking up today.

The narrative that SEO takes a long time is a bull shit narrative pushed by those that aren’t very active in the SEO landscape.

Just this past month, I build a site on an EMD just to see what happened for a local term.

Used 100% AI content and then…

Popped in my Automated Links - Brand Stack strategy and saw it pop to #4 in 30 days.

Currently still holding at #4 - #6 position depending on where the Maps show up.

Not bad - aye?

But let’s say there’s something I wanna pull out of my arsenal to rank super quick.

There’s 2 tools, I’ll use that are my go-to.

Remember, SEO is all about having different tool sets for the appropriate job.

Imagine for a second you called a handy man out to demo your bathroom and he shows up with a painter’s brush.

You’re not gettin’ very far with a brush - right?

Well, same thing in the SEO world, you gotta apply the right tool for the job.

So, the first tool I have in my arsenal is using Aged or Expired Domains.

That is by far one of the quickest ways to rank.

The way I discovered all of this is back in my Launch Jack days.

I didn’t know anything about a PBN or anything.

But I’d pick up about 3-5 exact and partial match domains for the launches I was doing.

One day I’d accumulated a large number of these - somewhere between 50 and 100 domains and they were just sitting there.

So, I decided to test something out.

I created a page for the current launch I was promoting on one of the old domains then ‘linked to’ my new money page and affiliate link.

Within days, I was ranking.

Next launch, I took several of those old domains and built pages targeting my keywords and had even more to rank.

That’s how I started taking over the entire first page of Google for some of the launch jacks which resulted in some pretty hefty paydays.

After that, I began to using these to throw link juice to my other properties.

This was my very first Private Blog Network and that process still works to this day.

Google even mentioned repurposed expired domains’ in their latest update in March as being on the ‘hit list’

But let’s face it.

These have been around for years and they still kick the most ass of anything else.

Don’t you think of all this time that Google would’ve figured this out by now?

Instead, it seems we’re always reading the same Google update year after year.

Yet, people keep milking these aged domains.

While there are a few tweaks that we’ve made the big idea is still the same.

If you have an aged domain, then pop in your keyword in the SEO title as well as your blog post title…

Make you permalink include the keyword and then…

Use frequently asked questions and subtopics as your h2 tags for the primary keyword

Use AI to fill in the gaps.


Now, watch it and see if you see it pop.

Once you have these aged domains, you can use ‘em to work for you over and over again.

To this day, this happens to be one of my favorite methods to ranking super quick and it’s very little work once you get the domain and have it alls setup.

That’s just one method though…

This one is 700 words and I'm getting ready to call it a night.

I've got a 2nd method up my sleeve that works like gangbusters now more than ever before - even with AI content.

We’ll call it the Saban effect.

See Nick Saban was always considered as being the ultimate cheat-code in college football because he’s the #1 greatest coach of all time.

If you want me to reveal this #2 strategy, then just reply Saban.

Derek Pierce

Go to Part 3 - Shameless Way to Rank Makes White Hatters Cringe

Copyright © Derek Pierce.  All Rights Reserved.